Sunday, March 8, 2015

sewing crafts

i'm not too much of a sewer. i make quilts, but that is mostly sewing in a straight line - which i have mastered. i have tried more advanced things like skirts, and sometimes they work out and other times not. sewing patterns have their own intimidating language that sometimes leaves me in tears.

however, there are lots of useful things that you can make with only straight lines and not a lot of work.

behold burp cloths

i used the purlbee's tutorial found here for oxford burp cloths. pretty simple and only took a few hours.

and also a monster laundry bag. that will surely make laundry more fun, right? well, it couldn't hurt.

aaron picked out the fabric, which i loved. i used the instructions found on the momtastic website.

both projects were so easy, cheap, and useful that i want to sew more! any other easy useful projects?

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Are you registered anywhere (target, babies-r-us)? So happy for you two!
