Monday, March 23, 2015

just waiting

still no news yet from our little wechlet. the official due date was 20 march. i was pretty sure we would be late though. most first borns are late, so i'm not concerned, at least for right now. The little guy is part aaron and probably saw 20 march as a "soft deadline". at two weeks past due we will risk out of the birth center - but that is a long way off.

my biggest concern is that on sunday i woke up with a sore throat. which today is worse. i'm actually staying home sick from work. mostly because i feel like crap, but also because i'm trying to get as much rest as possible so that i can beat this thing  quicker. i can't imaging going into labor or having a newborn with a cold. blarg.

cold medicines don't cure the cold, just help the symptoms. but half of them i can't have due to pregnancy, the other half i can't have due to the gestational diabetes. i am left with sugar free cough drops, tea, and sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you kick the sickness soon, but I'm sure you will make it through labor no matter what. Excited to see the little wechlet! :)
