Thursday, June 18, 2015

daycare update

we officially started daycare this week. we are only going for a few hours-half day this week to try to adjust. he had been at the daycare for 4-5 hours yesterday, and we got a call from the daycare teacher. she was concerned because he had been crying most of the day, and not really eating or sleeping. i would like to think that this is harder on me than for him; however, he does have a few problems:

1. he hates eating from a bottle. he is what you would call a "boob" man
2. the daycare isn't allowed to swaddle babies (a law). he is only used to sleeping while swaddled, and will constantly wake himself up and have really small naps un-swaddled.
3. this week has been unusually hot. apparently our babe overheats really easily and sweats, which leads to crying

poor guy, it seems like it might take awhile for him to get used to it. aaron is gone for 10 days so we can't really practice bottles without him (babies smell their mothers milk and generally will not accept a bottle from her). we have been practicing swaddling him at home with one arm out, to try to gently transition him to sleeping without the swaddle.

any mamas out there have any other ideas to help the process? the ladies at the daycare do seem really sweet and nice. i do trust them. i've heard that it can take a few weeks for little ones to get used to daycare. it just makes me sad when i go there to pick him up, he seems so sad and vacant. once we get home and play he goes back to normal.

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