Sunday, October 19, 2014

week 18

he/she is officially the size of a sweet potato, about 5.6 inches. apparently, the wee baby seamus is squirming, punching, and kicking - but i have yet to feel anything.

so far, pregnancy has been a lot easier than i thought it would be. the whole first trimester, i wasn't nauseous at all. i got sick at work twice, but both times i felt fine until about 1 minute beforehand, and then felt fine later. the second trimester has been pretty devoid of symptoms as well. the only noticeable change (besides belly size) is that i get extremely dizzy when i get up. and i also hear my own heartbeat ringing in my ears in the morning and at night. aaron might also mention that am slightly more hormonal. but only slightly, right?

i think keeping up with my exercise has been hugely beneficial. i've moved my running routine indoors due to the colder temperatures. but have been running on the treadmill for 5 minutes, and then walking for 2 minutes. it does a good job of getting my heart rate up, but not too high for too long (i can still hold a conversation with someone, not that i do).


  1. Yay! The baby and I are connected in potato-ity - Tator

  2. Ha! I didn't even think of that! I'll let you know when it becomes the size of a Russet. ;)
